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Under the Google EU User Consent Policy, you must make certain disclosures to your users in the European Economic Area (EEA) and obtain their consent to use cookies or other local storage, where legally required, and to use personal data (such as AdID) to serve ads. This policy reflects the requirements of the EU ePrivacy Directive and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

It is recommended that you determine the status of a user's consent at every app launch. The user consent status is held on the device until a condition changes which requires the user to consent again, such as a change in publishers.

For more information, see here.




If using a real device to test, ensure the device ID is provided to the Google AdMob SDK so any mock debug locations can take effect.

addTestDevices(deviceIds: string[]): Promise<void>;



Returns a list of ad providers currently in use for the given AdMob App ID.

getAdProviders(): Promise<AdProvider[]>;



Returns the current consent status of the user.

getStatus(): Promise<AdsConsentStatus.UNKNOWN | AdsConsentStatus.NON_PERSONALIZED | AdsConsentStatus.PERSONALIZED>;



Requests user consent for a given list of publisher IDs.

requestInfoUpdate(publisherIds: string[]): Promise<AdsConsentInfo>;



Sets the debug geography to locally test consent.

setDebugGeography(geography: AdsConsentDebugGeography.DISABLED | AdsConsentDebugGeography.EEA | AdsConsentDebugGeography.NOT_EEA): Promise<void>;



Manually update the consent status of the user.

setStatus(status: AdsConsentStatus.UNKNOWN | AdsConsentStatus.NON_PERSONALIZED | AdsConsentStatus.PERSONALIZED): Promise<void>;



If a publisher is aware that the user is under the age of consent, all ad requests must set TFUA (Tag For Users Under the Age of consent in Europe). This setting takes effect for all future ad requests.

setTagForUnderAgeOfConsent(tag: boolean): Promise<void>;



Shows a Google-rendered user consent form.